February 01, 2006

Pray for Turkey

"Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name." 1 Peter 4:16
In the summer of 2004 I spent 8 weeks in Turkey. Turkey is a predominately mulim nation. The Turkish government grants religions freedom, but Christians still experience persecution. While we were there, we did not have many problems. However, a few weeks ago a Christian was attacked by 5 men, outside of his church. This attack pulls on my heart on a personal level. The man who was attacked was our Turkish teacher while we were in the country. I cry when I think about what K endured, but rejoice in his solid faith, and refusal to deny Christ when threatened with fists and knives. The link to the article on Voice of the Marytrs is http://www.persecution.com/news/index.cfm?action=fullstory&newsID=353
Please read this article and take some time today and everyday to pray for Christians in Turkey and persecuted churchs around the world.

Quarter of a Century

Well, I have to say that 25 doesn't feel much different than 24, except for increasing reminders(thanks Jeremy) that I am inching closer and closer to 30. Yikes! Anyways, a special thank you is in order for Jenny and Maggie for organizing last nights festivities, Thank You! Also, thanks to everyone who helped celebrate with me.