August 05, 2006

San Gabriel

Last Sunday, the 30th, a group of 9 Central Europe teachers went on a hike in the San Gabriel Mountains. We set out looking for a waterfall, that other teachers had supposedly been to. After over 2 hours of hiking in a mostly dried out river bed, we still had not found the waterfall and we turned around to head back before the park closed. Much to our surprise we found that we had started above the waterfall and actually found it on our way back. For those of you who may say I am extremely undurable, you will happy, or amazed to know that I handled the hike like a champ, with zero whining. SO THERE!

1 comment:

Zach Barnes said...

wish i coulda been there for dat. i was talking to cuffey about how he almost lost camera #3 when he slipped and fell into the water! :) How things goin? See ya in a few. peace out.