September 22, 2006

Gotta Love Fridays!

TGIF! I love my Fridays. I only have one class at 11:50 and then I am free for the weekend. As an added bonus, I really have a lot of fun with my Friday class. They keep me on my toes, but are some really nice kids. I also just found out that in addition to having Thursday off for a holiday, my school is giving us Friday off as well. Yeah for my first 4 day weekend. What to do? What to do? Oh yeah, and did I mention how amazing this place is, as I am typing and looking out the window of the English office, the Prague castle is sitting in the distance. What is the dream that I am living?
I promise that I will have some real photos up soon: of my flat, school and the city!


Cori Patrick said...

4 day weekend? Sounds like you should go out and have yourself a good time! OK, or maybe you should just sleep.

Anonymous said...

Tsss...and I must stayed in this school to 12:35 on friday:D:D:D